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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Mind Games 

A series of deliberate actions or responses planned for psychological effect on another.

What a beautiful day in November we have been given Champions! Make your interactions with others something beautiful today!

This morning let's jump in and get to it. Mind games... I am convinced that at one time or another in our lives we will unfortunately deal with someone who trys to play these with each of us. So identifying when it's happening and then responding is so very important.

First let's talk about the why. Why would someone want to play mind-games? You know, looking back over my own life what I have come to realize is, it's simply because it provides them with a sense of power over another person. Digging deeper, peeling back the layers, typically it makes them feel powerful and allows them to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. Our mind is a precious thing and 1 Peter 5:8 is a great command to assist when dealing with this behavior.

Speaking from my own personal experience, someone who plays mind games, unfortunately doesn't stop. They might just get better at it or disguise it better. Also, we need to understand that we can't change anyone. However, God can. So our actions and our behaviors need to represent the one living in us. God will deal with the one playing the games in his time and in his way.

So, how do we respond to someone playing mind games with us?

Bless them with love. Pray for them. Here is the hard part, sometimes you have to love them from a distance and set personal boundaries. Then move on with your life and break those chains. Last little nugget, God is love and without God living in your heart, residing in you, you truly don't know how to love. Don't get the warm fuzzies or the emotional feelings of what one identifies love as, with the actions that are demonstrated when you truly love another. Your mind is a terrible thing to waste.

For the weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.

2 Corinthians 10:4

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