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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Making a "promise"...

A declaration that one will or will not do something.

Happiest of Fridays Champions!

Sitting and soaking it in this morning. Reflecting on promises made, promises kept, and even some that fell short. Boy, we put ourselves into some really tuff situations. When we add those two words in front of what we are declaring, it takes things to a whole new level.

"I promise"

Have you ever made a promise and broke it? Or possibly had someone break a promise they made to you? Either of the aforementioned situations sting and hurt. I've learned over the years that words are powerful and when we put them out there we should be very careful with what we say. Don't get me wrong, I don't think anyone wakes with the intention of breaking a promise, but it happens. This morning I had to thank God for his consistency in my life. The bible tells us to let our yes be yes and our no be no. We are the ones that bring all the extra into our lives. What if we actually used a filter, before we let our words spout out of our lips? Stay with me...we prayed over situations and waited for God's direction? I think in some cases we do. However, I also believe in some cases we don't. When our actions line up with God's will for our lives, we don't have to use words to communicate that we promise. Our actions demonstrate that promise. Here's where I'm going. If you make a promise, can you keep it? This doesn't give us an out not to do what is right, by not promising. Quite the contrary, our thoughts begin to change and start to follow the example Jesus left us when he walked this earth. Champions, our words and actions should line up together and follow God's will. There will be days when we fall short. On those days, grab hold of the Father's hand tightly and he will redirect your path. A promise is a pretty powerful thing and shouldn't be taken lightly. Have an incredible day!

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Phillipians 4:19

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