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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Looks Can Be Deceiving 

Something being very different than how it seems or appears.

Friday blessings to you Champions! What an awesome opportunity given to us! The gift of a brand new day! Open it and use it wisely!

So here we go... Looks can be deceiving. What we visually see with our eyes may not alway be the actual way that something is. As I was pondering over this topic today, I paused and just thought, how very true. We are living in a time where social media and society way too often flood our minds with deception. Things look and appear one way at first glance but when we dig a little deeper they weren't that way at all. Keeping it very real and transparent this this world we live in so many things are sugar coated to entice us, to reel us in. From what comes into our homes through social media to television even down to some of the people we connect with daily, we need to be aware. Here's the thing, there is no deviation from God's word. Ouch! Too often we try to change it to fit what we want. It just doesn't work that way. Look closely to the things around you Champions, do those things line up with God's word?

What was that famous NIKE slogan? Just do it! We are living in a time where that is exactly what is going on around us. On the outside it may appear that it's all good but what is going on in the inside? When we believe everything we see it's a dangerous place to be. Wrapping it up today I'll leave you with this, don't judge a book by it's cover. This could be a positive or negative. Truly depends on what's inside. Secondly, just because the world is doing it and has accepted it doesn't mean God has.

Keep your eyes open wide and be different. Walk with accountability. Be the difference in a world that so desperately needs the real deal!

Be sober be vigilant, your adversary the devil is walking around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

1 Peter 5:8

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