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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Little eyes are watching!

Our children are observing our actions daily. What we say, and then yes, what we do.

This morning my heart, mind, and spirit was compelled to reflect on the accountability we have to those little eyes that look to us for guidance.

Champions, our children are our heritage. They are a reward given to us from Our Heavenly Father. We have a huge responsibility to our children.

I think about the road less traveled often. I think about being set apart, maybe not always making the most popular decision but to use good judgment and discernment from God's word. Don't get me wrong, I make mistakes each day. However, I believe once you know better, do better. My prayer is to be better today than I was yesterday. Oh how I thank God for his mercy and grace.

Those little eyes, our Heavenly Reward. We need to be able to look into those eyes and know we trained them up in the way they should go. They deserve our best...and yes, sometimes our best doesn't come with easy decisions and the status quo.

We are a chosen generation, and that's a fact.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

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