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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Lifting the Fog

Something that obscures and confuses a situation or someone's thought process.

It's Sunday morning Champions! Let us shout praises to the Mighty King! I pray today brings you a clear understanding and vision in your daily walk with our Lord and Savior!

So let's get started. Fog, many different meanings but this morning we are looking at the aforementioned at the beginning of this blog. In a world of so many different ways to seek knowledge and understanding, why is it that we find ourselves in a foggy state of mind at times? I had to ask myself this question as I had my quiet time this morning. What came back to me was ( Are you seeking to gain knowledge or are you seeking to understand?)

If you've had some of these same thoughts stay with me for a moment... Always waiting for the next thing to do, trying to occupy every inch of our time doing things, entertaining the status quo. Still walking away wondering what can I do next? We work to gain material things but miss the mark on our spiritual growth. We use The term Sunday as a day of rest. Very loosely. So we can sleep in or indulge in an extra curricular activity. Don't get me wrong, we have to make time to relax and process all the stuff we've taken in through out the week. But do we give a moment's notice or praise to our Savior, our Creator? I've tried over the past few days to observe what is going on around me and within me. Can I speak freely for a moment? Distractions are running rampant Champions! Simple conversations, where one is delivering the information and the receiver is listening to understand verses responding. I have found this not to be the case on so many levels. I found myself guilty of this as well.

We are living in a fog and wondering why our relationships with our spouse, parents, children, siblings, friends and family members are suffering, becoming stagnant or non existent. We are living the Nike slogan " Just do it!" On a whole different level. As always if this doesn't apply to you, you're a cut above and I applaud you. However, if some of these things hit home like they did for me, with awareness and a committed mindset to change... We can lift that fog and be moment seekers. Making a conscious decisions to line up our actions with God's will for our lives! I'm not sure what you have planned for today but I strongly encourage you to take a moment and lift your head and hands to praise and worship God. Time to get back to the basics Champions. Time to say no to the distractions the enemy throws our way! Time to see clearly. Together we can!

Think on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, If the is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

Philippians 4:2

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