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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Let the talkers talk...

Staying in your own lane. Minding your own business. Refraining from conversations that are non productive and pointless about another person.

Happy Wednesday Champions. May today bring you profound purpose as you go about your day.

This morning I had a time of reflection. Over the past couple of weeks, in different situations and circles, I've witnessed some unsavory conversations.

If I'm totally transparent here, I have had times in my life that I've participated in conversations that I am certainly not proud of. Yes, times that I participated in conversations that were just simply non productive, time wasters. Can anyone relate? Let me go a bit further...

Conversations that tear down and don't build up are just huge time wasters. Not to mention hurtful.

Conversations that leave someone else in a less than favorable light, not cool. Boy, it's easy to look at someone else's life, their circumstances and pass an opinion. Or how about that word that we try to avoid judge?

Keeping it real, I think we've all been on both the delivery and receiving end of those conversations.

When someone is talking about you, it's not such a cool place to be.

Each day that we are given is a new day to do better. When we know better, do better.

The talkers are going to talk. However, we don't have to participate in those non productive, conversations.

So for today, will you join me in walking in awareness? We can make a difference with just one conversation at a time. Let's be the difference makers in a world that needs them.

Have a beautiful day on purpose!

So get rid of all evil behavior. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech.

1 Peter 2:1

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