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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Let go or be dragged...

To turn loose from those things that continuously bring you into a negative space. Refusing to allow them to have a hold on you spiritually and physically.

With a clear mind and many blessings that I can count, I welcome this brand new day with a grateful heart ❤️

Reflecting and breathing in the morning Champions.

This morning my spirit is leading me to letting things go. Could be a number of different things that each one of us needs to turn loose. Things that just aren't serving our spirit in a productive way. Thinking back over my life, I am grateful to say I am getting better at this.

One of the hardest parts in letting go is sometimes it involves letting go of people. We are called to love one another but not be dragged by another. Certain behaviors directed at us aren't ok.

Of late it has been placed on my heart to get rid of things that are not serving my spirit and allowing it to grow.

Some of those things are items...unnecessary clutter in the material form.

However, some are thoughts, actions, separation from negativity, people, yes people that treat you differently than they expect to be treated themselves.

It doesn't mean not to love them. I can only speak from my own experience, but sometimes I have learned it is better to just step away and love them from a distance.

Keeping my mind sharp and focused on things above has helped me to see at a deeper level. It has provided me wisdom and discernment in my life.

I encourage you to seek the Father for any areas you may have to let go of.

He will give you wisdom and direction. There is a sweet peace found in the release!

As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.

Psalm 103:12

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