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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


Can be referred to as something unsatisfactory or defective.

Happy Wednesday Champions! Middle of the week and we're still going strong. Permission this morning to keep it real? I believe each one of us has had those days where it seems we have had lemons thrown at us...

What's that old saying, When life throws you lemons make lemonade!

Very transparent here, that isn't as easy for me as it sounds. I'm a processor. Maybe you are as well. My mind is always thinking, solving, dissecting! Sound familiar? Then the why is this happening sets in.

On those particularly hard days, I have learned to look for something positive in each one and I've been successful in finding some nugget to grasp ahold of.

Inner strength and managing your mind is key. For me it is hard, I'm not going to deny that. However, if I can do it so can you! Look to your power source. God is always one prayer away. Don't allow life's lemons to paralyze your productiveness! Make that lemonade. Then take that five minute break and drink it up . Dive in to God's word and become rejuvenated! That's when you overcome and those lemons once sour become sweeter than you ever could have imagined!

Be ye strong, therefore, and do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.

2 Chronicles 15:7

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