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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Leave it behind you...

To let go of what was and look forward to what's to come, the good Lord willing of course.

First let me pause and say happy Father's day to every Father out there. We love you guys to life!

This week it seems I've had a few blogs where I have been camping out around letting the past go, moving on, and such.

This morning I suppose is another reminder that we all may need...

Laying down the what could haves, should haves, or would haves, to make room for the blessings that God provides for the now!

There is a reason for everything under heaven Champions. Don't get tripped up in the why that something happened the way it did. Embrace today! Let it go and build from this point forward! You are a one of a kind original! God made you to do awesome things. Love where you are Champions. Grow from there. Don't look back at where you were, look at where you are currently. Now, is what we have.

Luke 9:62 NIV

Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

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