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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Learning to say no...

To decline or refuse to do something. To politely pass on a few things, sometimes necessary to prevent over committing, that can lead to unnecessary stress, anxiety and exhaustion.

Just a simple good Monday morning to you Champions! May your day be peaceful and your steps be light. Take a moment today to exhale.

This morning, learning to say no was laid on my spirit. There are many reasons we should say no. This morning, looking at over committing, that can lead to exhaustion if left unchecked. Do you have a hard time saying no Champions? If I'm completely honest, there are times when I struggle with this. Our calendars fill up so quickly from one month to the next. The errands and our to dos are endless. Possibly, you may even notice that you are so overcommitted that you do not have room for the things that you should be committed to? Ouch! Our bodies require time to recharge, refocus, and refuel. We were designed to need those mini sabbaticals ( so to speak). Champions, sometimes we just have to say no. Doesn't mean never, but possibly not right now, or at a later date. Our health includes our body, mind, and spirit. I encourage you today, take a moment and see if there are things on your plate that has overextended you. Too often we bring on unnecessary anxiety that can be avoided just by learning to say no. We are only given 24 hours in a day, use them wisely.

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

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