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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


A sound of mirth or joy.

Wonderful Wednesday blessings to you Champions! We have arrived at mid week! Embrace the opportunities of this glorious day we have been given and do your thing!

Laughter is what's up for today. In a world that moves so quickly and rapidly, sometimes you just have to hit pause and appreciate the smallest of things. Speaking for myself here, at times I have a tendency to take everything so seriously and matter of factly. Can you relate?

Then, bam! God provides a conversation with a two year old. Or maybe the silliest of situations that just happen to turn the sides of my mouth upward ( into a smile). Laughter is great medicine. We have so much that we go through daily. We are children of the King of kings. Our hearts should be so full and overflowing with joy, that it has to slip out in a giggle or two. Pausing for a moment and appreciating a real good belly laugh is pretty incredible. I pray your day is blessed with laughter and that you can find joy in the special moments God provides just for you. He will provide. It's ok to laugh!

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Proverbs 17:22

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