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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Keep Going 

To continue to press forward even though the situation may be difficult and you feel like giving up.

Happiest of happys to you this morning Champions! Today is the perfect day to keep going. I was reflecting on this topic today and thought back to many times I just wanted to quit, to stop. I thought about those moments when I had used all I thought I had in my reserve tank. Then, I remembered the victories when I made decisions where I kept going and came out on the other side. Make no mistake, this life is tuff. Some days being an ostrich and burying our heads in the sand can sound pretty appealing. However, that just isn't who we are or called to be. Keeping our eyes focused on the prize and celebrating the small victories is a great place to begin. We have so many promises that we are given in the bible. We have all of the instructions and encouragement that we need to keep going each day.(right at our fingertips). There is victory in Jesus! There is power in Jesus! Keep going, one step at a time!

Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.

Proverbs 4:25

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