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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Just water "your" grass...

To distribute water over what is in your care, to encourage and provide nourishment for plant growth and life.

Friday is here and raising it's arms to stretch and welcome this beautiful day of opportunity Champions!

Spring is in the air and my mind went to a place this morning, I think we all can relate to? Looking at someone else's grass and thinking how much greener it is than our own...

Boy, isn't that a time waster and joy stealer? So putting on our thinking caps of reasoning... stop comparing yourself to others. Sounds pretty easy, doesn't it? Here's the thing, if it is meant for you, it will be yours. If not, keep it moving. God has a plan for each one of us. I think possibly the problem is, we are so busy bobbing and weaving, moving from one thing to another that we don't allow those seeds that were once planted to bloom? Stay with me...we certainly begin the cultivating process, but when it doesn't move as quickly as we'd like, boom! We are off to the next best thing, and that just might be the reason that we miss what was meant for us all along. I encourage you today, to bloom where you are planted and to quit looking at another's grass.

Water " your " own!

That's my two cents for today. Now, I'm going to go water "my" grass!

Be blessed!

Then I observed that most people are motivated to success because they envy their neighbors. But this, too, is meaningless—like chasing the wind.

Ecclesiastes 4:4

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