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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Just breathe...

To take in air... and move it into and out of the lungs.

Sunday morning sweetness and reflection to you and yours Champions!

Keeping it simple this morning. Landing on...just breathe. This topic resonated well with my soul today. With this being memorial day weekend and a time of remembrance, along with remembering some of our loved ones that have went on before us for many other reasons, I had to pause...yes, I had to take my own advice and just breathe. Boy, we sure don't know what this life will bring from one day to the next, do we? Sitting this morning during my quiet time and thinking and remembering...the only thing I got for you and me both today is...

Just Breathe...

Sometimes I guess that just has to be enough. After all, the breath of life comes from God and that is comforting and in that there is peace. Love to you all!

Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

Genesis 2:7

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