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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

It's not our job...

We are to lift up not tear down. Extending the grace that we want to receive ourselves.

Monday morning is here. Time to go and do incredible things Champions!

This morning my heart just went to being non judgemental.

Total transparency, I have to check myself in this area. Additionally, I remind myself that...that's just not my job.

Opinions out of control can too often step into judging instead of lifting.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to accept something when you know it's just not right. Something that is totally against God's word.

What I am saying is let him handle that. We are called to love one another. Not accept the sins that each one of us commit. Yes, each one of us.

So let's leave the judging to the one that created and controls the world.

Who knows, it just might give us more time to sprinkle a little grace?

"Judge not, that you be not judged."

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