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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

It is well 

Making a conscious decision,regardless of what's happening around us concerning our circumstances or situations, to place our trust in God. To bask in his presence and draw from a peace that only he can provide.

May today bring you abundant peace. I pray for God's peace that surpasses all understanding to wash over you!

It is well... I'm landing here this morning. A pretty great place to land, I might add. Champions if you aren't familiar with the old school hymn " it is well with my soul " I encourage you to look up the story and why it was written. I totally understand that as we walk through this world we are going to be overwhelmed at times by the things we have to endure. However, making a decision to not camp out there and trusting God to provide that sweet peace only he can give, is what gets me through. Keeping our minds focused on Christ and bouncing our thoughts back to him when they land somewhere that isn't beneficial for our wellness is so very important. I'm not going to say it's easy at first but with consistent practice it does get easier. Prayer is the perfect place to start. Here's the thing, we can choose to be at peace or not. Living in the not, gives you the crummies in your soul. Choose wisely! Have a day of abundance!

God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.

Psalm 46:1

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