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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


The external representation of a person, place, or thing.

Blessed morning to you Champions. I am embracing the peaceful presence of our Creator this morning. Basking in his presence on this crisp winter morning in my neck of the woods.

Over the past couple of days we've had some winter weather at our house. Watching the snow cover everything with a beautiful white blanket was breathe taking. Our littlest blest us with the picture attached to this post. It's a small unique creation of hers. A snowman, she named Freddie.

Let me see if I can bring it together for us this morning. You see, I thought about our image as I was looking at her Freddie. I thought about how God created us. He created us in his image.

Yes, we have different external characteristics. However, we are created by Almighty God! In his image.

As I examined Freddie, "image" took on an entirely different meaning. I was gleaming from ear to ear as I went back inside from my encounter with Freddie. Champions, we are so loved by our Heavenly Father!

Fearfully and wonderfully made, in his image. Tuck that away in your heart as you move about your day today with confidence and courage!

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:26

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