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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Ignore The NOISE!

Updated: Sep 28, 2019

Anything that keeps you from reaching your full potential. A distraction, negative thinking, fear, anxiety, doubt, worry.

Saturday morning encouragement and love coming to you and yours Champions!

Recently, I've noticed at times I'm in places and or situations that have a lot of noise. I'm not referring to just loud sounds. I'm speaking of the distractions, that noise that just clutters our minds and prevents us from going to the next level. In our current culture, we are subjected to unnecessary noise on a daily basis. I've found this to also spill over into our personal lives and situations if we allow it to.

Have you been at a function... could be for work, a family event or a friend's get together and find yourself caught up in the noise? Could be the latest gossip, possibly an off colored joke, negativity through conversations.

Friends talking about " friends" I think you get my drift. Man, the list goes on. Pay attention to the noise and know when to shut it off! We don't have to participate or absorb any of that craziness. Find a release, possibly journaling, exercising, reading, or just some quality quiet time. Prayer does wonders! I challenge you today, the next time you are in a place of noisy distractions and negative influences, bounce! Flip the script and don't allow it access to your spirit! Champions, ignore that noise and replace it with healthy thoughts and actions that will grow you as you go through it! Go be amazing and Rock your day! We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength!

Sing unto him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.

Psalms 33:3

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