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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

If you fall, get back up again!

Never give up. Use your strength and tenacity to rise again. You were fearfully and wonderfully made!

This morning, thinking about just how quickly March has flown by. Not to mention that it certainly came with many challenges fo me. Maybe you can relate? However, one thing that I do know that was consistent throughout the month was God!

I just might even have felt I fell once or twice over the month, but God was faithful! Getting back up is so much easier when our Creator and Sustainer grabs a hold of our hand!

Let's tie this together this morning, shall we? Our success rate of surviving our worst day is 💯 %. We are still here aren't we? We are never alone and that's a wonderful thing. We have breathe in our bodies and Almighty God is on the throne! That is something to shout about!

So if you are a bit downtrodden. Pull up those big girl or boy pants and step out today on purpose and with purpose! We are God's children!

Though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.

Psalm 37:24

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