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Writer's pictureCassie Burke


Who you are. Your very own distinguishing characteristics and personality traits.

May today start your week off in a positive and powerful way! There is only one you! Never forget that.

Taking a moment this morning to reflect on who we are. Each one of us, different and unique. We all have a beautiful purpose that has been given to us. Think about your specific life and the people that are placed in your path daily. So often, we walk through this world and we remain disconnected because we question who we are. For me, when I reached a level of understanding that God could use a sinner like me to make a difference, it was a game changer. Many stories in the bible talk about how God used fallible people to accomplish awesome things. Champions our identity runs deep in Christ! It's so much more than that reflection we see in the mirror. Will we make mistakes along the way? you bet. However, God allows u-turns and loves us so much. We are children of the King! Our identity is precious in his sight. Leave your finger print today on those you come in contact with. God can and will do mighty things through a willing vessel.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

Psalm 139:14

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