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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

I stopped venting...

Quit voicing or expressing things to others that really don't solve anything.

Happy January morning to you Champions! Winter is here and God is available through every season.

This morning I couldn't help but think about how many times I have vented to someone in hopes to feel better. I suppose for a moment I felt better. However, a feeling is exactly what it was and only lasted temporarily.

Over time, I have realized that venting to someone certainly doesn't cut it. Now, praying to our Heavenly Father...that is the perfect solution to anything that we encounter Champions. So, the next time you feel like letting off a little steam, take it to the one who has the solution. Then listen to him Champions. I pray for a day of abundance over you Champions! Seek God with your whole heart!

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

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