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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

I choose happiness...

Making a decision to be in a state of contentment and joy.

Tuesday morning has arrived and oh what a beautiful day on the horizon!

Looking out my kitchen window over the trees, and seeing the sun make its appearance for the day...just makes my heart smile. Knowing that Almighty God blessed us with another day to live.

I think mornings are such a sweet time. We have choices.

We have the ability when we rise to choose happiness, joy, and contentment. Or we can choose to be joy suckers. I choose happiness. I will look for the joy as I journey through this day. Champions, happiness is a state of mind. Let's be aware of how we react and respond today. Smiling is a great place to begin. Not to mention, I hear they're contagious! Time to get our happy on Champions!

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4

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