Simply, who you say you are to yourself.
Hey there Champions. Thanks for taking some time out of your day, and spending a few minutes with me and my two cents.
Looking at the photo attached to this post, it just may have spiked your curiosity?
In all credits go to our littlest. It was just the hubby and me attempting to be humorous at the gym. We certainly were not identifying ourselves as bodybuilders. Lol
So, back to the question at hand. How do you identify who you are? During one of my morning devotions I pondered the aforementioned question to myself.
I thought, boy if we identify who we are by the size of our house, the car we drive, our friends, our jobs, our hobbies> it would be devastating if all of that ended in the blink of an eye. So I went deeper.
I challenge you to ask yourself the same question I did...
Who am I?
Keeping it very real, a job doesn't define you, a house doesn't define you, a car, friends, hobbies, none of those things truly define you.
For me with total transparency, I landed on this...I am a child of the most high God! A sinner saved by grace. I am a Warrior for Christ and my relationship with him can not be taken away.
Each one of us are blessed with spiritual gifts, hand picked for us from an Awesome God!
Champions, don't let this world define who you are. You are a one of a kind original. Don't ever forget that. I have nothing but love for you, so peel back those layers and be that you that God created you to be!
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here.
2 Corinthians 5:17