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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Having that tough conversation...

When a discussion needs to take place, where feelings and emotions could run strong based on the information or topic that needs to be addressed.

Monday mornings bring hope for a new week of awesomeness Champions!

Waking with the sun and thanking the Son for another day! This morning as I was connecting with the Great I Am...

I was led to the topic of >

tough conversations...

I have to admit that I am not an expert with those tough conversations that come along in any way shape or form. All I can share this morning is my own personal experiences in dealing with those conversations that aren't always so comfortable. I've learned that you can conduct a tough conversation both personally or professionally if you enter it with love. Too often we go into a conversation wanting the outcome to be in our favor.

Quite frankly...we want to be right.

The tough conversations for me have come both personally and professionally. Honesty is important when communicating those tough topics.

However, the way we enter the conversation, sets the tone for the ending result. Unfortunately, sometimes the outcome may not be received well by either party. Practicing standing in the silence is paramount.. Expressing the issue in a calm, respectful way, with the proper tone is what's worked best for me>>> then waiting for a response. I don't know about you but that dead silence "time" in between, delivering and receiving the information can seem like forever.

I'm getting better at just practicing the holy hush.

So the next time you have to have that tough conversation, don't avoid it. Go into it resolution minded. Pray over it, and always remember, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;

James 1:19

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