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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Green with envy...

Harboring extreme jealousy for another person. To be covetous of what another has.

Top of the morning to you Champions! Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

I think this morning's topic is fitting for the day. "Green with envy."

Jealousy and covetousness are destructive on so many levels. If left unchecked, and to deal with in one's own strength can bring one to ruins. This is one of those areas where focusing on another, looking at what they have and their successes in life... instead of our own consumes us. One might say, it starts with the game of comparison? Champions, what is meant for you, will come to you. It certainly may have to pass through the gate of hard work, persistence, and determination. None the less, what is meant for you, will come to you. I don't think envy is one of those things that reveals itself in the beginning. It starts with a thought planted by the master manipulator. Then we allow it to fester and grow into full blown covetousness. The solution is simple, give it to God and keep it moving. Spend time in his word, in his presence. Allow him passage in your life to bring what he has intended for you to come to fruition. The things of this world will fade, they are but a vapor. However, God is eternal. If you're battling that green eyed monster today, let it go! Open your arms to receive and embrace what your Heavenly Father has designed specifically for you. Look envy straight in the face and respond with a no thank you.

Tell it God's got you!

A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.

Proverbs 14:30

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