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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


Happy Friday Champions! Today we are going to take it to a place of discomfort for sure. If this topic doesn't apply to you, if you've been blessed and have never been a deliverer or receiver, you are blessed beyond measure! For the majority, we can't say that honestly and change begins when honesty shows up at the door!

Just to set the record straight, if you say something about someone to someone else when that said person isn't around, most likely gossip...and if it is followed by bless their heart, it is still gossip. Sometimes in my life I have confused factual information conversations as ok. Well it happened so it's not gossip, I'm stating a fact.

News flash ( gossip)

Gossip, tears down. Doesn't build up and causes hurt, pain and brokenness. Controlling the tongue is power Champions. God hears all, sees all and He just knows! Sometimes we wonder why certain people are removed from our life. I heard something this week that really made me think... Maybe God removed them because he heard what they said when you weren't in the room! Wow!

I challenge you and me today to shut down the gossip. Let it begin with us. Friendly reminder adding " bless his or her heart to the end of your statement about someone, doesn't change the fact that it's still gossip!

If you want a happy life and good days, keep your tongue from speaking evil, and keep your lips from telling lies.

1Peter 3:10

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