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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Golden nugget...

A very important lesson that one learns. Something we find of great value.

Fabulous Friday morning to you Champions! May you seek and find today!

As the dawn of the new day is about to spring forth, I ask myself...What will the day bring? Will I find those precious golden nuggets that will provide growth and development in me?

Keeping it real this morning...

Each day brings a newness and comes with opportunities for us to learn...

(if we are seeking to).

I love when we find those little golden nuggets in our day that resonate with our spirit and give us those "aha" moments.

On the flip side, if we go through our day with our head in the sand and not seeking, we will miss finding the hidden treasure of the day. I encourage you as you go about your day today, to be looking for those golden nuggets of wisdom, opportunity, and gratitude. Allow God to guide you on the journey of today. Ask him to reveal great and mighty things to you. Have a beautifully blessed day!

God is on your side... and that my friend, is the first golden nugget of the day!

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:31

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