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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


The object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.

Marvelous Monday Champions! This morning is the start of a brand new week! The sunrise was amazing and bright! First goal today is to be amazing and bright for someone that needs a little son shine! Setting goals I believe is something we all do or have done. The question is, how are we at achieving them once set? I can only speak for myself concerning the goals I would like to accomplish. I've certainly hit on some of the all time highs in my life...exercise, eat better, limit spending, the list goes on. Then I set timelines and steps to achieve. Keeping it real, sometimes I slay them and feel awesome that I did. Sometimes, they fall to the wayside and become an "oh well." I'm being very transparent here Champions. Without work, consistency and determination a goal is just a wish!

In the current season I'm in on this road called life is searching and seeking. I'm finding my goals changing. Don't get me wrong, a healthy body and a peaceful state of mind is still top on my list. However, I've expanded the areas of change, growth and development for myself. You might be wanting to work on some of these areas as well:

Change the areas God wants me to change, to love more to serve more. You might ask, where do you begin? First goal would be to seek Him through His word ( get in your bible) second goal would be, to seek His heart through prayer ( quiet time, daily conversations with The Great I Am!)

Then an amazing thing will happen. He will begin to reveal to you, the goals He has for your life/ for my life. Once the revelation is received, we begin the path of refinement. Our goals then line up with God's will for our lives and what an incredible place to be!

Champions, instead of wishing upon a star, join me in putting your faith/ my faith in the one who created the stars!

" But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. "

Psalm 33:11

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