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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Glass Ceiling 

An invisible but real barrier through which the next level or stage of advancement can be seen but can not be reached.

May today be filled with abundance and opportunities Champions! Happiest of Fridays! Our morning topic has several different meanings. Some can remember back in the 80's this was a term used to describe a women's status of advancement in the workplace. This morning we are going to look at this from a different perspective...

a spiritual glass ceiling.

Have you ever hit a spiritual block in your life where you can see where you want to go but there is that invisible ceiling keeping you from the next level? The enemy begins to fill our heads with lies, you can't advance to the next level, he so cleverly implys in our minds. Then we believe the lie and remain stagnant unmoving. Champions, we are mighty and are called to break through that invisible barrier to be all we were created to be! The devil is a liar. Can we make a choice today to look up, to rise up and say I'm coming through? Boldly going before the throne and laying down anything keeping us from the next level where Almighty God intended for us to be! Say no to, guilt, deceit, shame, lies, pride anything that is keeping you keeping me from breaking through that glass ceiling! You/ me, we are mighty! Let's be fierce and put on the whole armor of God this morning and shout victoriously as we say boldly,

" I am coming Through!!!"

Truly, I say to you. Whoever says to a mountain, ' be taken away and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart. But believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him.

Mark 11:23

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