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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Get out of your head...

To quit overthinking and being consumed of other people's opinions. To allow your self- consciousness to take a break and enjoy what is in front of you.

I dare you to take a step back today and look past the outer reflection of what you see in the mirror and dive into that amazing creation that God made! News flash Champions...I know you're something because God made you in his image! Savor that fun fact for a moment.

Let's just hop to it, shall we? There is this space in our heads that will paralyze us and keep up from living an abundant life if we allow it to. You know exactly what I'm speaking of. We begin to second guess ourselves. Asking those head questions like... maybe I'm not good enough, talented enough, pretty or handsome enough, smart enough? Then that zinger comes in right behind it...I'm too fat, too thin, too tall, too short. Let's not forget those other self judging moments we spend critiquing our hair, our skin, all outer layers, I might add. Wanting that perfect life that we see others have...

( fun's all in our head)

Champions, just maybe that's why God looks at our hearts? I can only speak for myself here, but I think of so much time I've wasted over the years with being consumed with those thoughts that keep me from living to the fullest of my potential. Here's where you can say, Amen or Ouch!

Today seems like the best day of any to escape that space in between our ears and tap into allowing the heart to connect with God and guide our steps. I encourage you to be the absolute best you that you can be today. You are a masterpiece. A one of a kind original and God is your father! Let that resonate for a moment. Go live, go laugh, go love! One more thing, if you need a little more positive encouragement or boost to get you this bullet blog, one more time. I've got nothing but love for you! Have an incredible Saturday!

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7

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