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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Gentleness is important 

Being kind, tender, or mild mannered.

We have arrived at another beautiful Sunday morning Champions! May today be gentle to you as you are gentle to others.

God is so good. I stand in awe at the way he reveals things to me when I am quiet and still. I also can't leave out, listening for his still small voice.

Gentleness, this is where I landed this morning. Let me start with a simple question, ( Do you appreciate the people you encounter that demonstrate actions of gentleness to you?) I know I certainly do. We all have experienced those moments when, a kind word or a loving gesture has brought us back from a moment where we were in a not so good place. Maybe, if we allow our minds to remember how we felt when gentleness was given to us by another, we would be generous in passing it on. Sad to say, we live in a time where most everyone is in their feelings and really not concerned about anothers. Imagine if our days were filled with no malice, or ill-will wished on anyone? Imagine if we responded with gentleness concerning the struggles and shortcomings of others? Imagine if we treated others the way we want to be treated regardless as to how they treated us? This morning is a pretty tall order. Next question, doesn't Jesus do exactly those things? I have to say I said ouch several times this morning as I was reflecting. Gentleness is not a sign of weakness but a sign of tremendous strength. It took me back to the tag phrase that was so popular not too long ago WWJD? What would Jesus do? In closing this morning here is the take away, do we ever really know 100% what someone else is going through? I think it's pretty obvious that only the one experiencing it and God knows the real deal. So let's just practice being nice. Gentleness is a pretty great place to begin! May your actions and mine be tender today Champions towards others.

A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 15:1

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