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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


The softness of action. The quality of being kind.

It's our special time together Champions! This morning's topic is one that unfortunately is fading more and more in the culture we are currently living in. I believe we go through phases or seasons in our lives. Would you agree? As we grow and mature, we should hope to learn to respond to situations differently ( a sign of growth within). Instead of getting bent out of shape and expressing our emotions or opinions in anger... that we will most likely later regret. Let's chose to practice gentleness. You might say, " nope" not me. I've learned when I hold on to something instead of letting it go, it ultimately affects me, not the situation or person I was so passionately determined to plead my case about or to, until I felt better. Here it is, I never ever have felt better with that approach. Learning to let it go! Gentleness! Think of gentle things... a new born baby, a feather, a hug from your child, butterfly kisses, the list goes on. Don't allow a situation or a misunderstood person to take you to a level you do not want to go! Be kind in an unkind situation, smile when someone else has a frown, pray in a world that needs prayer warriors and remember none of us are perfect and just maybe your gentle spirit will make a difference for someone today!

You should be known for your beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.

1 Peter 3:4

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