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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


A conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you.

Oh happy Tuesday Champions! As we prepare for our day. Can we join together for a moment to take a personal inventory of anything we are harboring that is unforgivness? By forgiving we set ourselves free! Forgiveness doesn't mean that we are condoning nor excusing the offense but that we have decided to rise above it and not let it form a bitter root inside us.

Permission to speak freely this morning? I have had many times where I've felt that holding on to what was an offence against me felt justified in my mind. Actually, thinking back it was like I almost held it so tight that it was suffocating. I would play it over and over again in my head and thought I was 100% in the right to continue down my path of unforgivness. Well, my right was very wrong. The one that I was damaging all along was myself. This is a tough one to overcome. In our strength pretty impossible. With God, very possible. Here's the thing, you can have silent forgiveness. You do not have to become best buddies with the one that you are forgiving. But I would challenge you to ask yourself, is the relationship salvageable? Too often we discard things including people to find replacements instead of fixing what was broken. I have to always remember that if I expect to be forgiven I to must practice forgiving.

As always if this mornings topic applies to you, like it did me, we can overcome this together with God's strength and guidance. If you are at a place of mastery, that's total awesomeness!

I leave you with this today...

70 ×7!

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked. " Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother and sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered ," I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven times."

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