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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Flame Fanners

One who agitates a situation or circumstance with their words or actions with the intent to stir up strife or friction.

Prayers being sent your way for a beautiful and blessed Tuesday Champions!

As I was having my morning quiet time, reflecting on life in general, I landed on this morning's topic. " flame fanners"

I have to admit this one can be a tough one. I'm pretty certain we have all experienced the flame fanner. With social media running rampant in this world, it's almost a given that we will encounter a flame fanner, at some point in time. Interestingly enough, it typically starts with a negative rant or a comment left,

" could be labeled venting" by someone. Then the flame fanner gets on the bandwagon and before long it's a blazing fire. No consideration is given to the damage that will be done or who will be a casualty in the process. The reward for the flame fanner is to create as much discord as possible and to gain attention. Our words are so very important. They can be used to build up or tear down. Crazy thing is, once they've been released, you can not take them back. I've learned through the years that more times than enough, the flame fanner typically stirs the pot so to speak, only when they have a captive audience. So, how do we handle the flame fanners? Simply, love them, not join in with their shenanigans. Just love them where they are. Here's the thing, they have to see something different in us. As a born again believer, we are called to be different. God always provides a way of escape. Our actions should mirror the one living in us. If you get mixed up in a situation that involves a flame fanner, exit stage right, as quickly as possible. A good rule of thumb is to ask God to make your words, my words, as sweet as honey...because tomorrow we might be eating them. Words are powerful Champions! I encourage you to take the high road the next time you're in the mix with a flame fanner. When you remove their power ( your attention) that fire fizzles out. Be blessed, bold, and beautiful today Champions! Let's be the peace makers, in a world that so desperately needs them!

They are conceited and understand nothing. They have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions.

1 Timothy 6: 4

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