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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Find your rhythm!

Focused, setting priorities and going at a pace that works for you.

Refreshed and ready to tackle the new day we have been blessed with Champions!

This morning I was blessed with the ability to walk down the stairs to my kitchen and begin my day. This morning I was blessed with the ability to pack lunches for my loves. This morning I was blessed with the ability to see, hug, and kiss my daughter and husband good morning and to say goodbye as they set out for the day ahead.

To rewind just a I was standing in the kitchen, listening to praise music and just having a little talk with Jesus...

(doing my morning to dos)

>>grateful and blessed came over me<<

I couldn't help but think that my morning routine is where my rhythm was formed each day. Finding your rhythm is so important and sets the stage for your entire day. Cool thing is, if your rhythm is off a bit, get it back on beat. Find yours, no one else's. Seek God's purpose for your day! Be you, do you, and enjoy!

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

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