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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


The belief that one has the right to something. Is deserving of privileges or special treatment.

We are smack dab in the middle of our week Champions! Preparing ourselves for another day of opportunity. Can we join together in saying, Bring it on?

With opportunity comes opposition. Be vigilant, bold, courageous and strong today! We can do all things through Him because He said so! On your mark, get set and go make a difference!! The word never said weapons wouldn't be formed, but it did say they wouldn't prosper!

Entitlement... wowsers! I think it's safe to say that we are currently in a world that practices this more times than enough. Walking with a spirit of entitlement robs us from a spirit of rest and peace. A question came to my mind on this topic, why would one feel entitled to something? That's one of those questions that makes you go (humh?) Entitlement Champions is a distraction. The focus gets placed so much on what we feel that we deserve that we loose sight of our true purpose. Hard work has many rewards and if we remember the one we are working for it keeps things in perspective. Having a servants heart is a great place to begin to defeat entitlement. Can I be frank? When we quit looking at what we don't have or what someone else is getting instead of us and focus on being grateful, entitlement looses its power. I have heard many times we are living in a generation of entitlement. Champions, keeping it real, have you? Have I? Allowed or assisted in promoting entitlement? Stay with me. We want our children to go further than we have in life. To be successful. Sometimes, we loose sight on creating the strong foundation they need to survive in a fallen world. Honestly, how do we measure success? Time to get back to the basics and stand on biblical principles. Time to pray over our children and our children's children. Time to rise up and be the example. We need to quit putting our heads in the sand and teach that nothing is free. Jesus paid the ultimate price for each one of us. Will you join with me today and take a stand? It all begins in your home, in my home! Let's give God the glory and lead with a servants heart.

But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

Matthew 23:11

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