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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Emotional State of Mind 

A natural state of mind deriving from ones circumstances, mood or relationships with others.

What a beautiful Sunday morning we have been given Champions! As you rise today I encourage you to lift your head and raise your hands and just pause for a moment to thank God for the breath of life!

Emotions, wowsers!

This topic right here...I'll speak for myself, when my emotions are high my intelligence has a tendency to leave the building. Can you relate? I can not even count the number of times I have made a decision out of emotion and it went south. Now, emotions controlled are a beautiful thing. They set us apart from other living creatures. We feel, that is so awesome in itself. This can be a sensitive topic for many because our emotions are real and are ever present. Some deal with some pretty strong emotions on a daily basis that can create a since of paralysis. What do I mean by that? I know there have been times in my life where my emotions have controlled my actions or lack of activity. On those days where my emotions have a tendency to run rampant, I've learned to take it straight to the Creator, the one who wired us with the awesome gift of emotion. When you want to know how something works, no better place to go ask than the manufacturer of the product ( The Big G, God himself) no better place to gain knowledge than the instruction manual ( The Bible) emotions, set us apart and make us unique. Embrace the journey but don't travel it alone. Trust your/ my Creator for guidance over our emotions. Go be you today because you were fearfully and wonderfully made!

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

Colossians 3:15

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