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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


New day and full of so much opportunity! Happy Sunday Champions!

Emotions, so much of what we do is led by our emotions. Now, this can have a positive impact on us or unfortunately it can also have a negative one. As I ponder emotions and think back... that old saying that when emotions are high intelligence is low comes to mind. Hear me out. There are certainly good emotions as well that I am speaking of here. I have learned never to make an important decision based off of my emotions. You may be able to relate? Success over our emotions is simply self control. Crazy thing is, we have to continuously practice ( self control) it is one of those things the more you practice the better you become at it! I've found a good rule of thumb is, never let someone or something take you somewhere you do not want to go! Here I go again, it starts with our thoughts. Spiritual renewal of the mind over our emotions daily. Changing the world, one emotion at a time! Be a Champion today!

There must be a spiritual renewal of your thoughts and attitudes.

Ephesians 4:23

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