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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Don't let the hard days win...

Not allowing a 24 hour period that is difficult and may require lots of work, and could even be painful and exhausting to get the best of you.

May today be full of purpose for you Champions.

This morning thinking about those tough days.

Yes, I think we all can relate and have had one or two?Maybe even more than one or two?

Here's the thing...a tough day doesn't define a tough life. Sure we go through seasons. Those seasons aren't always easy. However, taking them as they come and having a one day at a time mindset is a pretty good recipe in over coming those hard days. I had to remind myself this morning that someone out there is praying to have a day that I consider to be hard. Someone out there would love to be in my shoes, in your shoes.Yes, we get so fixated on tough that we forget about the blessings. I don't know about you, but I needed that reminder this morning. So, bring it on Tuesday. God's got this and I'm following his lead!

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

1PETER 5:7

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