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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Don't get sidetracked...

Allowing one's attention to be distracted from the task at hand.

Good morning Champions! Wednesday has arrived with promise and purpose for a productive day.

Taking in the morning and listening for direction from my Heavenly Father on what and where he wants me to go today. Lining up my thoughts and actions with his guidance.

This morning when my feet hit the floor and the new day began, I had to take a moment and just breathe. As I was going through my morning routine, I had a thought come to mind.

Becoming sidetracked...

Typically when something is given to me right out of the gate, (first thing) I need to take heed because something in the day ahead will circle back to this morning's topic. So during my quiet time, preparing for the day ahead took on a little different approach. Understanding that my day would involve actions and people. The actions I take, I can control. Other people and their actions, not so much. The same holds true for you Champions.

I think it's safe to say, allowing others...

( when not productive or positive) to distract us from our daily goals is a huge time waster. A very valuable lesson I have learned over time is, someone else's opinion of you, is none of your business. Brush the dirt off and keep it moving. Be the difference today. Make a decision to stand out and not blend in. Let God have full reign to guide your steps. When distractions come, in what ever form or fashion, give them the hand and keep moving forward with passion and purpose!

Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; I wait for You all day long. - Psalm 25:5 HCSB

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