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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Don't cry over spilled milk!

Don't be upset over something that has already happened that can not be changed.

Saturday morning reflection for a day that is productive and prosperous Champions!

This morning as I was fixing my coffee, my mind went to spilled milk. Many times in my life I have spilled milk and many times I've had to clean up milk that others have split. When my children were small those cups with lids were life savers.

Let's actually break down the phrase...

"Don't cry over spilled milk"

First thing is... once it happens there isn't much that can be done except to clean it up. We can't change the fact that we now have to deal with the milk being spilt.

However, learning from it, using those cups with lids, possibly being a bit more careful, paying closer attention, we just might avoid some unnecessary spills.

I think the take away for this morning is...once something happens that we can't change we still have the ability to decide how we will react to it. I don't know about you but I think I learned a little something this morning. Who knows, today just might be a great day to bake some cookies and pour a big glass of milk!

Closing with this...Focus on what's ahead of you Champions and let go of what has already happened, things that you can't change.

I got nothing but love for you!

Happiest of Saturdays!

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

1Peter 5:7

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