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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Does it deserve your energy?

Worthy of your time and concern.

Sweet morning peace Champions! May your day be bright and beautiful!

Thinking for a moment this morning...Does it deserve my energy? Too often we give our energy to things that are time wasters, joy suckers, and blessing blockers. We were put here to make a difference, not to get lost in the sauce from distractions that are meant to preoccupy us.

Pay attention, ask yourself if the situation deserves your energy. Be aware, those distractions often come through people. Where are you focusing your time? Is what your concerned about adding to or taking away from your purpose, your joy?

Champions, be alert and aware! Allow God to guide your steps.

For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.”

Jerimiah 31:25

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