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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


A state of happiness and satisfaction.

Friday morning blessings to you Champions! I trust we are well rested...mind, body and soul?Delving into contentment this morning. Are we content or are we not, is the question on the table for today?

Asking for a little latitude this morning? My morning reflection on contentment took me on one of those personal inventories. I had to ask myself a few questions that I will share with you. I challenge you to ask yourself these questions as well.

What makes you/me content?

Do you allow the things around you to determine your/ my state of contentment?

Are you, am I always looking for something to do to feel content inside?

Do you/I allow other people to alter our state of contentment?

Here's the thing, ask for wisdom and it will be given to you. True contentment has very little, actually nothing to do with external pleasures or conditions.

Lean in... here's a golden nugget, it's what is found within us and that my friends is found in Christ alone. If Christ is missing, true contentment will be as well.

Be aware of your inner self. Are you constantly battling trying to find something to make you happy? Are you a chronic complainer? God is the answer and is ready and waiting for you for me to provide true contentment. His will for us is good, pleasing and perfect. Don't allow self and the destructive things that come with being self serving steal one more second of the true contentment found in Christ alone! Savor every piece of cake and share the rest of that cake with others Champions! Together we can! So goes your thoughts, so goes your actions that follow.

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Romans 12:2

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