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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


Steadfast, adherence to the same principles, course etc.

Well hello Monday! Here we are Champions, a brand new week on the horizon. The question is, "What will we do with it?"

Consistency is where we are going this morning. Those patterns and behaviors we demonstrate that become almost second nature. Now here's the thing, we can be consistently positive or negative. Yikes! That's where choice comes into play. I think we all can agree that positive consistent behaviors will take us a whole lot further than negative ones. It simply comes down to our focus and daily execution. Make a decision to focus on incremental improvements, then stay the course. Champions, what we focus our attention on is what we see. I challenge you this morning, as I am myself, to look at the patterns in your life/ my life. What consistent best practices are there? Then take it one step further and make a decision to take it to the next level. Ask yourself, as I am going to do as well, what can I improve on? Then begin to take the daily steps to bring it to fruition.

Not because it's a fad, not because it's the next best thing, the latest and greatest out there. Not because it's that thing everyone else is doing.

Do it because it promotes growth within you. It makes you better than you were the day before. Consistency, one step at a time. Be that person.

The best version of YOU!

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9

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