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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


Accepting standards that are against your morals and beliefs.

May your Sunday be grounded in God's goodness Champions!

This morning my mind traveled to compromising. Compromising can be a dangerous thing when it goes against your morals and beliefs.

As I was thinking about this topic this morning, I paused at how many times I see areas being compromised each day. People giving in because maybe they won't fit in?Maybe, they don't want to offend anyone?

What ever the reason, there are times when compromising is just the wrong thing to do.

We are called to stand out and be seperate as born again believers.

This world is full of the next best thing, lean in...don't fall for the traps out there.

Cling to the vine and stand on the word of God.

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

James 4:17

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