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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Complaining is not conversation...

A gripe session.

With the rising of the sun Friday has arrived in all its glory Champions!

This morning is one of those times we can say ouch or amen.

This morning I am just going to go there. "complaining "

Lean in...complaining is not conversation. When we camp out in complaining we block blessings because we can't even see them.

Keeping it real, it is impossible to praise God and complain at the same time. So, no complaining! One step further, don't listen to complaining either. Don't let someone else's junk enter your spirit. If you feel like complaining, flip the script and start spitting out all the things your thankful for. Life on planet earth is but a vapor, complaining shouldn't be an option.

Let's get to it and walk today in praise and thanksgiving.

Do all things without grumbling or questioning,

Phillipians 2:14

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