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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


The means of sending and receiving information.

Merry morning Champions! Yes, I said Merry. I plan to hold that in my heart and communicate it through out the coming hours, days, weeks, years. The time Almighty God blesses me with here on planet earth, I will choose to be Merry! Not because everything will be puppy dogs and kittens, but because with Jesus living in my heart ♥️ I can be Merry!

Now here's the nugget this morning. We have many vehicles or sources to communicate with. What will we communicate to others? We have the choice as to what we put out there. Last time I checked, negativity never made anything positive. Be the light, because it lives in you! Communicate the good news because we are commanded to do so! Don't let me forget to mention to have a blast while you are doing it, and to Rock this world with some goodness and joy!

If the good Lord willing and gives each of us another year... What will you communicate, and what will be your consistent form of communicating with others for 2022?

Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!

Psalm 141:3

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