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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Choosing Joy 

Letting go of the things I can't control, having compassion for others, with all of their strengths and weaknesses, and having compassion for myself.

Oh happy day Champions! Another Friday on the horizon! Before our day begins we have a choice to make... What will be our mindset today? I have an awesome idea, will you join me in choosing JOY! It is really that simple.

Joy, how do we maintain it throughout our day? Let's look at it as an acronym, shall we? JESUS OVER YOU! Preparation is key. The enemy is a thief and a liar and has a goal today to steal your joy/ my joy! I don't know about you but he's not getting mine. Back to this preparation thing... When things go haywire today and at some point they most probably will, dig down deep and bounce your thought like a tennis ball from the issue trying to steal your joy to the Creator and Sustainer who is here to give you an abundant life! Let him answer the door, when the thief starts knocking. Make no mistake the craziness will come in some form or fashion but we do not have to indulge in it! Jesus has our back! Are you ready to tackle this thing called today, Friday, August 23rd? We can because He said through Him, we could do ALL things! Joy, Joy, Joy! Today choose Joy!

Consider it pure joy brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

James 1: 2-3

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