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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Changing the channel 

Having control over your thoughts and behaviors, when they are not lining up with what is healthy and productive for your mind, body, and soul, making a conscious decision to change your thought process at that moment.

Wednesday morning blessings to you Champions! I trust your week is unfolding with new opportunities each day to glorify the one living in you! All begins with our mindset.

This morning let's chat about changing the channel. For most of us it's safe to say we have had the remote in our hand and channel surfed at one time or another. Looking for that show that grabs our attention. Going one step further, we maybe have even landed on a show a time or two that has been a total time waster but we watched it til the end. Saying all of that brings me to this. Our minds are so crucial to our success daily. What we put in, is what we get out. We currently are living in a time where there is limited filters. Changing the channel goes much deeper than the TV.

In our everyday activities, our thoughts determine our actions. Simply put, what we think about is what typically is what comes to fruition. It begins with that seed ( a thought) then we put it into action over time. Here's the thing. It can be good, if our thoughts are pure and fixed on things above. However, it can also be damaging to us if we are not changing the channel and flipping the script when we know it isn't lining up with God's will for our lives. Our minds are so important and our focus is paramount to the results we achieve daily. Make a decision today if and when your thoughts land somewhere that you know isn't feeding you spiritually...Change The Channel!

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

Colossians 3:2

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