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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


The act or instance of making or becoming different.

Another glorious Monday that has arrived Champions. With each new day we are given, the possibilities are endless.

Change, this is a topic some of us don't embrace with ease. Could it be, we are creatures of habit? I suppose there are many different reasons change is uncomfortable for us. I think it's safe to say in more instances than enough it's because we don't like the unknown. Speaking for myself here, there have been times when I have put up a strong resistance against change to only find out in the end that it was a great thing for me. We/ me fight so hard against things changing but it's inevitable. There are those things that change that we can't control and we learn to adapt to those changes...the weather, a sickness, the death of a loved one. Then there's the ones that may require effort and work on our part... exercise, eating better, time with our Creator to name a few. Life is like the seasons, forever changing. Change brings on growth. Change more often than we want to admit requires faith. Will you join with me today in taking that personal inventory within and face those changes that just may need to take place? Some that are out of our control and comfort zone and those that will require us to make a decision to change. Regardless as to which one, God is there ready to listen and guide. Embrace the season of change today. Live today with your eyes wide open and enjoy the journey! The bigger thing to fear than change is remaining the same without growing!

To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

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